As part of its strategy for innovation and growth, Zodiac launches a range of chemical products that will come as a complement to the automated water treatment solutions that are currently available on the EMEA markets (Europe Middle East Africa). Zodiac Pool Care Europe already markets chemical products in Germany and Italy where its lines of chemical products are well implanted.
Following a series of highly encouraging sales tests at different points of sale, Zodiac has chosen to work with Océdis, one of the leaders on the French market. Based in the Lyon area, Océdis has a product approach that is resolutely oriented toward innovation and quality. These aspects were decisive for the choice of partner.
Zodiac and innovation
Innovation is inherent to Zodiac culture.
In 2012, the brand will launch no less than 8 innovations, including a new range of chemical products. This will be the first manual solution by Zodiac for water treatment and will be based on simplicity in choice and use of the products.
Zodiac enters this new market adopting a pragmatic approach, relying on surveys conducted with pool owners. The surveys show that consumers expect a real clarification in the ranges of chemical products as well as assistance from the brands under the form of products that answer their various water treatment issues (water balance, disinfection…)
Consequently, Zodiac proposes a range segmentation that is structured also based on colour codes that identify the main families and the different treatment phases. This offering will clearly facilitate and encourage purchases.
Specific communication tools will also be available at the points of sale to support this clarification effort.
Zodiac and chemicals
Zodiac is no newcomer to the chemical market.
Two years ago, Zodiac bought the Australian company PQ that markets ranges of chemical products structured around these new identification codes and which are highly successful with consumers in the Asia-Pacific region.
Over the past two years, Zodiac has acquired a solid know-how and expertise in chemicals, both in terms of quality of manufacturing and marketing.
In Europe, for this category of products, Zodiac has been implanted in Germany and Italy for many years. Beginning of 2012, Zodiac Pool Care Europe will introduce a full range of products that will be marketed in France, Italy and Germany, with a common marketing and manufacturing policy.
Océdis and Zodiac
In July 2011, the two companies entered into a partnership agreement for the manufacturing of chemical products under the Zodiac brand.
Océdis manufactures a specific range of chemical products for Zodiac, featuring high concentration levels of active principles, so as to ensure very high quality products.
Through this partnership, Océdis places its quality department at the service of Zodiac, respecting a strict and precise quality control protocol.