OCEDIS, bolstered by its significant development, has been investing in the European standardization process for the past 6 years. So it seemed only natural that Doctor Xavier DAROK, director of the Océdis laboratory, be entrusted with the presidency of the editing committee reporting on “chemical products used in the treatment of swimming pool water” (CEN TC164/WG9/TG11).
The purpose of this editing committee is to write and update European standards governing chemical products that are used to treat swimming pool waters (disinfectant, water stabilizers, anti-algae treatments, etc.). This commission has had very positive results over the past 6 years:
- Standards published: 17
- Standards undergoing approval: 6
- Standards being drafted: 4
The ratification of these standards has come about thanks to the implication and motivation of all the members of this commission, and Dr Xavier DAROK wishes to thank them all wholeheartedly. The reliable support and active participation demonstrated by OCEDIS in assisting this commission has resulted in Dr Xavier DAROK being appointed liaison officer between the CEN TC164 (water supply) and the CEN TC402 (domestic swimming pools and spas) technical committees.
His role is to maintain the link between the two normative structures in order to encourage exchange and to avoid duplication within the European standards.
Since 2011, Dr Xavier DAROK has been entrusted with another presidency within the international standardization process as he is now in charge of the editing committee reporting on “Techniques used for the on-site management of domestic sewage using low-tech processes” (ISOTC224WG8TG 3).