2014 marks the 45th anniversary of the founding of FITT, a significant milestone confirming the strength of the company.
Born in 1969 thanks to Rinaldo Mezzalira as F.I.T.T. (Fabbrica Italiana Tubi e Trafilati), the company along the years has become synonym of PVC quality hoses. This success brought it to work with important players of garden and DIY fields on the international market.
Constant research and innovation allowed the Company to transform a basic and unappealing product into a well-developed tool. The patented technologies it developed shook the irrigation market with exclusive products addressed to the gardening world and performing hoses for industrial and technical use.
“The undisputed international vocation of FITT always is associated with a strong bond with the land and with the local community in which the company has grown over the years in order to offer opportunities for economic and social growth". With these words Alessandro Mezzalira, remembering his father Rinaldo, points up that “the international dimension and the research for innovation are strictly connected to traditional values and to a strong sense of awareness of our roots, without which the goals of today would have been unattainable.”
For this occasion the Italian Company changes the logo design. "We felt - explains Alessandro Mezzalira- this was the right time togner renew our brand and make it more modern, capable of reflecting the changes experienced by the company in the recent years to keep pace with the evolution of the market.”