BISHTA is delighted to announce that the European standard being developed for Domestic Spas and Hot Tubs is now available for public consultation! The number of the standard is prEN 17125 (and the pr in front of the numbers and letters denotes it is a draft)!
The European standard is important, as the hot tub industry is setting the requirements it expects to be followed by companies working in the industry. Although not a Law, the standard will be expected to be followed in the countries in the European Union (and there are also some other countries not in the EU that also follow the standards, such as Norway, Switzerland and Turkey). The influence of European standards is likely to remain in the UK, even when BREXIT negotiations are completed.
In terms of comments on the European standard, The British Standards Institution (BSI) have stated that they require any comments to be received by Monday 3rd July in order to collate them in time for their deadline to send the comments by Thursday 3rd August back to the relevant European Committee. A copy of the draft standard can be viewed here.
Please note that when using the link above, you will be prompted to log-in or to register with BSI. BISHTA members can submit their comments to the BISHTA office, rather than to the BSI if they prefer.
The committee overseeing the development of this draft standard is from the Centre for European Norms (CEN), and it is Technical Committee (TC) 402 that has responsibility for the standard, particularly their Working Group (WG) 4 (or CEN TC 402 WG4, for short)!
BISHTA has been chairing this group since the outset and is very proud to have played its part in getting partners together to undertake this important work.
The standard has been possible to draft due to a number of funding partners collaborating, and BISHTA is very grateful to these partners and also to the German Standards Body (DIN) for taking on the secretariat of the project to develop the standard.
Once the comments have been submitted, they will then be collated and taken to the next TC 402 WG4 meeting due to be held in September (in Berlin). Subject to whether there is enough time to deal with all of the comments at this September meeting, the standard will either be accepted in its revised format (and then translated into French and German) ready for a Final Vote later this year, or any comments not discussed will be heard at a meeting in late November / early December.
If there are no delays, it is hoped that the standard will be approved and then be available for purchase at some point from September 2018 onwards.