Chris Hayes, MD of the British Swimming Pool Federation
The British Swimming Pool Federation (BSPF) has secured a joint agreement with the seven UK water companies who have currently imposed drought restrictions, with the aim of protecting pool companies’ business operations.
The move is designed to clarify some of the information circulated by the water companies following the introduction of the Temporary Use Ban on 5 April, which caused significant confusion in the industry.
The joint agreement states that pool companies can now undertake reconstruction and refurbishment on pools where this work is required in order to prevent damage, or fix an already damaged pool, and then fill them up with a hosepipe. However, cosmetic work to change the appearance of a pool is not included in this clarification, so is not permitted where this would involve refilling or topping up the pool with a hosepipe. Swim spas are classified as swimming pools, and are therefore covered by the same restrictions – except for new installations.
Following the original announcement from some water companies stating that hot tubs were also included in the Temporary Use Ban, the BSPF’s joint agreement with the water companies clarifies that hot tubs are classed as bathing facilities and are therefore not included in the scope of the ban. Consumers can still top up or fill a hot tub with a hosepipe, even if they are situated in an area affected by the Temporary Use Ban.
For more information, including the full joint agreement and an updated fact sheet for members of SPATA (Swimming Pool and Allied Trades Association), visit