The 10th Anniversary World Aquatic Health Conference (WAHC) in Indianapolis, Indiana, attracted nearly 400 attendees from 39 US states and eight countries, the organisers have said.
Attendees came from the USA, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Finland, Poland, Puerto Rico and Ukraine, while 49% of visitors were first-timers.
“Year after year, really smart people come back to learn from and network with other really smart people,” commented Thomas M. Lachocki, PhD, CEO with NSPF. He added, “It’s amazing when you see people’s faces after the ‘light bulb’ goes off; you know they have been inspired to reflect what they learned to others.”Fourteen leading organisations provided sponsorships to help underwrite the costs of offering post-conference videoed seminars. For the first time ever, these seminars are available for free and can be accessed at:
The eleventh annual World Aquatic Health Conference is scheduled to be held on 8–10 October 2014 in Portland, Oregon, USA.