It is THE big issue of the first semester, and the last one to be published to start THE season! A special edition dedicated to NEW POOL AND SPA PRODUCTS, printed in 8,000 copies will be sent to professionals across Europe in April.
In this issue, you will find extensive coverage of NEWS ARTICLES and NEW PRODUCTS devoted exclusively to our industry, published in French and English.
All your news will be replicated on as well as in our weekly newsletter sent to subscribers, in several languages.
BOOST your 2018 season by advertising in this edition!
The most important information from the Pool & Spa industry will be found in
"Le Juste LIEN" SPRING Special - NEW PRODUCTS No. 32-
+ Spas & Wellness Special No. 21
To advertise in this issue, send your editorial and advertising material as quickly as possible to [email protected] or get in touch with your usual contact: :
Emmanuelle FARDIN : [email protected] / tel :
Katrien WILLEMSE : [email protected] / tel : +33 (0)6.11.843.413
Michele RAVIZZA : [email protected] / tel : +420.602.252.968