For its 4th edition, French magazine dedicated to the French market of Commercial Pools and spas (Spécial COLLECTIVITES) promises to be even richer in hot topics and news about the latest products. Published once a year, it will be released in September 2019. British companies, if you want to target this French specific market do not miss out on the opportunity to advertise in this issue!
An issue distributed to professionals and managers of hotels, wellness centres, campsites...
If you want to target this French specific market do not miss out on the opportunity to advertise in this issue distributed among professionals and managers of hotels, sports and aquatic recreation establishments, wellness centres, campsites, architectural firms and design offices.
A lot of information and news in the sector of construction, maintenance, pool equipment and commercial spas
This magazine is a rich source of information on new developments in the construction, maintenance and pool equipment sector. It includes industry news with regards to regulations and legislation.
Last but not least, the SPECIAL ISSUE No.4 Special Commercial Pools and Spas, is a means for thousands of French tourism professionals to get in touch with the professionals - from France and abroad - in the construction and maintenance of commercial pools and spas.
Ask for the Media Kit or inquire about opportunities to communicate in this issue by contacting us via this form.
Optimize your communication with professionals in commercial pools and spas sector
- A total of 37,600 magazines distributed: 10,900 by post, 2,000 distributed and 24,700 circulated digitally.
- Prospective readers and clients looking for information and professional contacts.
- Specialised expertise with a reputation built over 40 years.
Check the Special COLLECTIVITES N°3 published in 2018
Read the entire magazine Spécial PROS Collectivités 2018