From 19th to 21st February, don't miss the international pool and spa expo at the Fair in Bologna
Three days of exhibitions and conferences
Exhibitions and conferences about the industry's most pressing matters, with free admission for the trade.
Un-missable events include: live shows, the Smart Pool and the Innovation Area, for real-time updates on the industry's future and trends, as well as lots of insights, in partnership with ENEA, IAAPA, Federterme, FIN, INAIL, Istituto Superiore della Sanità and Università del "Foro Italico".
The twelfth ForumPiscine - a special place to learn about the latest trends in pools and spas as well as the polestar of training and innovation - will take place in Gallery mode, Pavilion 33, at the Fair of Bologna.
Wellness, sport and leisure around water
The ForumPiscine Expo area, with manufacturers and dealers of products, services and accessories for the aquatic world, stands out as lively proof of the stricter and stricter osmosis between all the sectors that revolve around "water", as a customer service, as therapy or for wellness, for sport or for fun: swimming facilities, pools, spas, thermal baths, poolside entertainment, as standalones or for wellness centres, hotels, tourist resorts, spas, holiday villages, camping sites and theme parks. As well as for residential pools, of course.
19th to 21st February 2020: a date not to be missed, for buyers, businessmen, service providers, designers and engineers working in pools and spas and for the increasingly vast wellness and leisure industry, where water is a precious asset and a staple ingredient.
Live shows, Smart Pool, Innovation Area: the special projects at ForumPiscine 2020
Live Shows with practical demos
Three are the most interesting new features of the forthcoming expo, first and foremost the Live Shows: for the first time ever, the pool expo will be hosting practical demos in the installation and use of products, such as liners and structural panels, and in the operation of innovative devices and technology, offering professionals a chance to learn high-level technicalities at the Expo and in the stands (the programme of the Live Shows will be posted at soon).
The Smart Pool
Expectations are high for the building of a Smart Pool on a 1:1 scale, the perfect combination of technology, automation, sustainability and self-sufficiency for aquatic facilities.
A spectacular replica, jointly made by the companies that excitedly joined in the initiative, using the best available solutions in their own area, under the coordination of the scientific committee of the project, led by Federico Maestrami, director of Piscine Oggi, and Mario Giovannoni, one of the greatest designers of hydrotherapy, thermal and wellness pools.
The Innovation zone
Lastly, the Innovation Area, a typical feature of the Gallery expo, where companies showcase their most innovative wares, putting up a veritable display of design, efficiency and sustainability, will make a comeback too.
The congress for aquatic professionals
Sustainability, safety and innovation in pools and aquatic facilities
With free admission for professionals and the trade, the ForumPiscine congress offers a range of sessions and workshops with a special focus on sustainability, safety and innovation in pools and aquatic facilities, not least to improve the users' experience.
The programme of the congress will be even more attractive, with the scientific and design insights provided by ENEA - Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile, IAAPA - The Global Association for the Attractions Industry, as well as Federterme, INAIL, Istituto Superiore della Sanità and Università degli Studi di Roma "Foro Italico".
FIN - Federazione Italiana Nuoto, involved in the development of three training sessions, also decided to have its own stand at ForumPiscine to coincide with the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.
Workshops and courses on subjects market trend
- "(R)innovare la piscina: idee, ibridazioni, marketing e cambiamento" (Renewing the pool: ideas, contaminations, marketing and change),
- followed by "Web Marketing & Piscina: come il settore acquatico può cogliere le opportunità offerte dalla rete" (Web marketing and pools: how the aquatic industry can make the most of the web).
- "Efficienza energetica in piscina" (Energy efficiency in the pool) is the title of the meeting organised with ENEA to describe working scenarios and guidelines that help design sustainable pools and make existing facilities more environment-friendly.
- For the first time in Italy, the deputy president EMEA of IAAPA, with which ForumPiscine has entered into a strategic partnership agreement, will give a speech at the meeting "Trend ed evoluzione nel mercato globale dei parchi acquatici e delle attrazioni d'acqua" (Trends and developments in the global water parks and aquatic recreation market).
- The expo will go on with "Ordinamento, Fisco e Lavoro sportivo: linee guida per gestire le piscine a regola d'arte" (Sports regulations, taxation and work: guidelines for a perfect management of pools), on Thursday 20th February, targeted to pool operators who will get suggestions and advice on how to navigate the current regulatory framework.
- Also on Thursday, the meeting, "Sicurezza e qualità igienico-sanitaria delle piscine" (Safety and hygienic-sanitary standards in pools), sponsored and supported by Federterme, Istituto Superiore della Sanità and Università degli Studi di Roma "Foro Italico" with the participation of a delegate from INAIL, will tackle technological standards and advancements in communal, rehabilitative and thermal pools.
- The first of the courses organised by ForumPiscine in partnership with FIN - Federazione Italiana Nuoto is "Cultura dell'acqua come chiave per il successo del club" (Culture of water as a key to a club's success), addressing children's and adults' natural psychophysical development in water-based environments.
- The conference on "La piscina inclusiva" (Inclusive pools) will explain how water welcomes everyone, regardless of age, gender or fitness level, so that pools can be regarded as potential social strongholds of safety and wellbeing.
- "Save Water, Save Life", the third and last meeting organised by FIN, will be about lifesaving.
- The last planned session, on Friday 21st February, is "Uomini e tecnologie per la sicurezza nelle piscine e impianti acquatici" (Men and technology for safety in pools and water facilities): professionals and delegates from federations and associations will try to find suitable solutions for a safe management of aquatic facilities.
Partnerships and sponsorships
ForumPiscine 2020 - which is sponsored by Assopiscine, Federterme, FIN and Università del Foro Italico di Roma, and has partnered with IAAPA and AIAPP - has Dantherm Group, Gerit, ICS-Istituto per il Credito Sportivo, Piscine Laghetto, Polimpianti, Renolit and Tasco as its premium partners and Enviroswim Europe and Team System as its partners.