Million korunas earned in auction to help people with disability to lead normal life
A special spa within philanthropy gala dinner organized by Forbes magazine
Designer spa USSPA had earned million korunas in auction to help people with disability to lead normal life. Exact million korunas (EUR 39 769) is the amount, which was earned for our special spa within philanthropy gala dinner organized by Forbes magazine. This spa was created together with one of the most representative of Czech pop art, Pasta Oner. His original drawings were framed into a cabinet of private spa LyraiN, where our designer Vojtech Podlesný had given it nontraditional metal look.
"The interest in this spa, which is the unique model of its kind, was incredible. Last word in this auction belonged to founder of Zásilkovna company, Simona Kijonková. She auctioned it for exact 1 million korunas (EUR 39 769)", says Katerina Kadlecová, CEO of Czech family-owned company USSPA, and she was the one, who had decided that the amount will be dedicated to organization SILOU HLASU.
"Unique design made this spa collectible piece so we had decided to take advantage of it and use it for a good purpose. Unfortunately, not all of us can live healthy life without any issues. Even though spa can help some people to rehabilitate to its fullest, some of us are not able to return to normal healthy life. And to those people who can't do so, we decided to help." says Katerina Kadlecová.
An organization to increase quality of life for people with disability
Organization SILOU HLASU increases quality of life for people with disability. The help is thanks to modern technology - to be precise, they organize courses for controlling computers with their voices. These courses are for people who do not have use of their bodies except their voice.
Organization SILOU HLASU has earned almost 2 million korunas (EUR 79 538) thanks to the auction and the total amount of all auctioned items came up to unbelievable 23 355 000 korunas (EUR 930 182).
Smallest model of USSPA private spas, LyraiN has earned respectable amount of success. It has got the most prestigious design awards, but thanks to this unique model it has become work of art. Pasta Oner, birth name Zdenek Randa, is one of the most prominent representatives on the Czech art scene. Lately he has been active part of pop art and cartoon. Framing of the cabinet in his art is so out of his art character. His original drawings were framed into a cabinet of private spa, where our designer Vojtech Podlesný had given it nontraditional metal look. By doing it in metal look, it became unique production technology with co-operation of Czech family company Kasper Kovo.