The Fundació Fluidra aims to boost the inclusive pool concept by bringing the pool experience to people who, for different reasons cannot enjoy it, to improve their wellbeing and quality of life.
A fundraising campaign to promote inclusive pool projects
As part of this commitment, the Fundació Fluidra has organized a fundraising campaign aimed mainly at companies and organizations linked to the pool sector, with the aim of promoting inclusive pool projects to ensure that everyone has access to swimming pools, swimming and the therapeutic benefits derived from them.
An inclusive swimming pool at a school in Thiaroye
The campaign is structured in five different participation modalities, depending on the economic contribution, a company can obtain the distinction of: Partner, Protector, Sponsor, Collaborator or Friend. As a result of this campaign, the Fundació Fluidra has signed a collaboration agreement with the companies in our sector: Fitt, WA Conception and Renolit to build an inclusive swimming pool at a school in Thiaroye, on the outskirts of Senegalese capital Dakar, with the aim of helping over 2,000 children from the city learn to swim.
The pool will be semi-Olympic in size enabling all types of activities and it will be fitted with the latest connectivity technologies, optimizing operation, maintenance, and efficiency.
Joan Planes, President at Fundació Fluidra, said: "We are building the pool to help as many children and young people as possible learn to swim and give them tools that could save their lives".
A report from the World Health Organization says drowning is one of the top 10 causes of death for children across the world. It also puts death rates by drowning at 15 to 20 times higher in Africa than Europe.
The fundraising campaign is active and it is hoped that other companies or individuals will join the Fundació Fluidra community, with the aim of taking the inclusive pool around the world.