EuroSpaPoolNews can help you communicate on different European markets. Through its newspapers handed out at professional trade shows in the sector, its "market special" newsletters or even its online newspapers, EuroSpaPoolNews presents new features, innovations and news from swimming pool and wellness companies in various European countries.   

Editions dedicated to different European swimming pool and wellness markets

Several editions of EuroSpaPoolNews are waiting for you in 2024 and will feature throughout the year keeping up with all the news from the world of swimming pools and wellness. They will provide information for professionals, but also you, helping people communicate effectively and in a targeted way. They also offer optimised digital communication since all the articles in our editions are also published on our website.

Organise your next publications in our editions now. Contact us

  • Special ITALY - OUT NOW
  • Special BENELUX - OUT NOW
  • Special SPRING New products - European market - OUT NOW
  • Special GERMANY - Coming October 2024
  • Special LYON - Coming November 2024

EuroSpaPoolNews Special Lyon

EuroSpaPoolNews Special LYON editions distributed at Piscine Global

Not to mention our magazines for professionals in the French-speaking market 

  • Spécial Pros, the magazine for swimming pool and hot tub professions (5 issues per year)
  • Hors-Série Spécial Collectivités - Coming September 2024

Spécial PROS

Our magazines for professionals in the French-speaking market 

While waiting for the 2024 editions, you can find all our journals published on EuroSpaPoolNews.Com

Optimise your communication on targeted markets

To optimise your visibility and to target your communication better on one or more of these markets, you can now send us your publications and reserve your advertising space, if you have not done so already, for the various upcoming editions. Contact us.

Our team is at your service to support you and adapt your communication by giving you the most suitable offer to meet your needs as well as the various options to reach your target audience.