So Blue is launching Omeo, a new concept which allows you to know the main information about your pool from your home.
With this device, a pool owner no longer needs to go to the edge of his pool to test it (cloth strips, measurement systems). All of this information is sent to him in real time on an export display.
It also warns of any abnormal parameter (pH too high, low conductivity, low water level…), allowing pool owners to keep using shingle treatment and intervening only when it becomes strictly necessary. The apparatus also provides water and air temperature and UV ray index (appreciated by parents who want to protect their children's skin).
Piloting of the filtration and water level regulation are options available via a module installed in the equipment pad.
The installation in pool takes a few minutes:
1 – Glue the magnetic support on the wall.
2 – Remove the probe protectors and the battery isolators.
3 – Plunge the submerged case into the water, place the radio relay station up high and read the information on the remote display.
The device is delivered in a thermoplastic storage suitcase including :
- pH probes / RedOx / pre-installed conductivity and paired up.
- Batteries required
- A quick start manual and complete user manual
- An underwater glue
omeo kit: Retail price VAT : 699€