The SeaKlear Mighty Pod water treatment product from US-based company HaloSource has passed the one million milestone in one year, representing US$7 million (7 million USD) in revenue according to the company.



The Mighty Pod is hailed as a consumer/service-provider-friendly water-treatment solution that brings together the essential components for pool and spa care in a single, easy-to-use, water-soluble ‘pod’ that is simply added to the pool’s skimmer or tossed into the hot tub.

The claimed benefits of the product are: eliminating complex and messy pool-side measurement and chemistry; reducing overdosing and chemical waste (a common side effect of current liquid and powder packaging and deployment); reducing the overuse of harsher sanitisers such as chlorine and shock by removing many of the organic components these products are currently used to oxidise; significantly impacting the leading cause of death by drowning in North America (cloudy pools in which distressed bathers are often overlooked).