The specialist in bespoke solutions
Pool Technologie, an industrial SME specialising in the treatment of swimming pool water, bases its activity on strong and recognised values: customer satisfaction, technical and managerial innovation, quality and the durability of materials and solutions. On the strength of nearly 30 years of experience, this French company understands the highly dynamic pool market to perfection
Innovative technology and design
Starting from its core business, salt electrolysis, it has developed its expertise to offer bespoke solutions and services. This has led Pool Technologie to offer its clients customised units.
The market brands are aware of the fact that offering customised services, local support and direct access to the manufacturer are essential assets. Indeed, to meet the needs of demanding customers, very wide price ranges and stiff competition, professionals must define their market segment very precisely. Pool Technologie deploys all its know-how to develop with these professionals the range that is best adapted to their strategy and positioning. The company has built an offer in its own image, based on ever more innovative technology and design. The company boasts a substantial Research, Development & Innovation team that regularly registers patents, as attested by the INPI (National Intellectual Property Institute) ranking in 2019, which places the company among the top 15 companies for patent registration in its region (Occitanie).
Packaging, training and technical support are among the specific services that this European specialist of salt electrolysis makes available to its clients throughout their collaboration.