It combines design and technology to guarantee optimal filtration and cristalline water. Its structure in composite material grants it a certain solidity and greater resistance to pressure.
Complete with 7 position valve. Hayward Vari-Flo is an easy to use filter. Body of the filter in polyester and glass fibre for greater resistance to pressure.
Complete with Vari-Flo 7 position valve, manometer, clearness light, automatic air intake and a drainage valve.
Vari-Flo Hayward 7 position valve with handle for easily choosing one of the 7 positions of the valve/filter. 2 years of logo guarantee. Bolted cap with air intake enabling rapid access to the internal components and to make the filer maintenance easier. Drainage valve to empty the water filer making the hibertation operation easier. New manometer with coloured gauges.
Complete with 7 position valve. Hayward Vari-Flo is an easy to use filter. Body of the filter in polyester and glass fibre for greater resistance to pressure.
Complete with Vari-Flo 7 position valve, manometer, clearness light, automatic air intake and a drainage valve.
Vari-Flo Hayward 7 position valve with handle for easily choosing one of the 7 positions of the valve/filter. 2 years of logo guarantee. Bolted cap with air intake enabling rapid access to the internal components and to make the filer maintenance easier. Drainage valve to empty the water filer making the hibertation operation easier. New manometer with coloured gauges.