“Energy Efficiency and Sustainability”, “Safety and Technology” along with “Spa & Wellness” are the three key themes at the 3rd Cologne Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum. In addition, a fourth area, the “40 Years of Stainless Steel Pools” special theme, will be focusing on the swimming pool sector’s popular material stainless steel.
In 2009 the Congress event will already be held for the third time within the framework of aquanale, International Trade Fair for Sauna, Pool Ambience, and FSB, International Trade Fair for Amenity Areas, Sports and Pool Facilities. The 3rd Cologne Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum will provide visitors of the two trade fairs on 29th and 30th October 2009 with background information on current trends in the sector and clarification on relevant legal trends and developments.
In this connection the themes are directed at both the public as well as private swimming pool market. Due to the international structuring of the forum, a simultaneous translation in English is also provided. The 3rd Cologne Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum is being organized by three associations: IAKS – International Association for Sports & Leisure Facilities (Internationale Vereinigung Sport- und Freizeiteinrichtungen e. V.), bsw - Federal Association of Swimming Pools and Wellness (Bundesverband Schwimmbad & Wellness e. V.) and BSB - Federal Association for Sauna, Construction and Steam Baths (Bundesfachverband Saunabau und Dampfbad e. V.) in joint cooperation with Koelnmesse.
Energy efficiency and sustainability
The worldwide trend towards sustainable construction is continuing to make inroads and in recent years has led to major advances in building construction. "Green Building" seeks to increase energy efficiency and move forward the use of regenerative energy sources. Ecological and energetic characteristics should already become transparent during the planning phase of a construction project.
“Green Building” concepts for energy-intensive buildings, sport facilities and swimming pools are for the first time also incorporating life-cycle observations. As a result, procurement, operation and maintenance costs are foreseeable and can be more effectively planned. Not only houses, but also swimming pools have in the meantime been designed according to the “Passive house standard”, in other words based on the “Avoid heat loss and optimize free heat recovery” formula, and are set to be built within the next few years. Within the framework of the 3rd Cologne Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum experts from scientific and practical application fields will discuss the challenges facing current development and inform the participants about the diverse possibilities for the resource-efficient construction of sport and swimming facilities.
(Two alternative dates: 29.10.2009, 10.30 – 12.30 hrs and also 30.10.2009, 13.15 – 14.45 hrs, on each date at the Congress Centre East, Koelnmesse)
Safety and technology – “Swimming? – But (safe) of course)!”
This year a new European safety standard has come into force for the operators of public and hotel pools. EN 15288 defines new safety requirements both for the planning as well as operation of publicly accessible swimming pools, which reflect the “status of technology” with immediate effect. The visitors to the 3rd Cologne Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum can discuss the new safety regulations and standards with the “creators” of the standard. Lionello Ambrosi from the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and Helmut Ständer from DIN will present the new standard’s targets and content and provide the participants with tips on how to fulfil the new requirements. In addition, speakers from practical fields will report on challenges facing implementation and successes.
(Two alternative dates: 29.10.2009, 15.30 – 17.30 hrs and also 30.10.2009, 10.30 – 12.30 hrs, each date at the Congress Centre East, Koelnmesse)
Spa & Wellness
In increasingly fast-moving times a hectic and stressful lifestyle frequently determines everyday routine. To the same extent, in reverse, the need for relaxation is growing. This trend has already been benefiting the spa and wellness ranges for years. The relaxation business is booming. At the 3rd Cologne Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum one theme area will therefore also concern itself with “Spa & Wellness”. In this connection, themes such as wellness in the hotel room of the future, design, resource-saving solutions or also the identification of savings potentials will be covered without losing sight of the guests’ requirements.
(Date: 29.10.2009, 15.30 – 17.30 hrs, Congress Centre East, Koelnmesse)
Special theme: 40 Years of Stainless Steel Pools
In 1969 the Hinke Schwimmbad company built the first municipal swimming pool in stainless steel. Since then the material stainless steel has established itself in swimming pool construction and it would now be impossible to envisage the sector, particularly municipal pool construction, without it. The smooth and fine-pore surface prevents the firm deposit of dirt particles. As a result, the necessary hygiene requirements, especially those in public and frequently-used pools, can be easily fulfilled. In addition, swimming pool basins in stainless steel are corrosion-resistant and the metallic lustre ensures an exquisite look. But the material stainless steel has arrived in the private pool sector too. Here demand is particularly for stainless steel accessories. All this is reason enough to dedicate a special event to the material stainless steel within the framework of the 3rd Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum. In addition to an historic retrospective, the participants can discuss new developments and current challenges connected with the material stainless steel with speakers from the scientific and practical fields.
(Date: 29.10.2009, 13.15 – 14.45 hrs, Congress Centre East, Koelnmesse)
Aquanale and FSB at a glance
FSB, which is being held from 28th to 30th October 2009 in Halls 3.2, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 at Koelnmesse, is the leading business, communication and contact platform for the international sport and leisure industry. aquanale, co-founded in 2003 in cooperation with the represented sectors and a dynamically expanding event, is the only international fair for the swimming pool and wellness sectors to be held in Germany this year. It will take place from 28th to 31st October 2009 in Halls 10.1 and 10.2. The swimming pool sections at aquanale and FSB are located directly opposite each other in Halls 10.1 and 11.1 and are closely linked by an attractively designed water boulevard. For visitors one ticket is all that is required to access both events.
Press release from www.aquanale.com
In 2009 the Congress event will already be held for the third time within the framework of aquanale, International Trade Fair for Sauna, Pool Ambience, and FSB, International Trade Fair for Amenity Areas, Sports and Pool Facilities. The 3rd Cologne Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum will provide visitors of the two trade fairs on 29th and 30th October 2009 with background information on current trends in the sector and clarification on relevant legal trends and developments.
In this connection the themes are directed at both the public as well as private swimming pool market. Due to the international structuring of the forum, a simultaneous translation in English is also provided. The 3rd Cologne Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum is being organized by three associations: IAKS – International Association for Sports & Leisure Facilities (Internationale Vereinigung Sport- und Freizeiteinrichtungen e. V.), bsw - Federal Association of Swimming Pools and Wellness (Bundesverband Schwimmbad & Wellness e. V.) and BSB - Federal Association for Sauna, Construction and Steam Baths (Bundesfachverband Saunabau und Dampfbad e. V.) in joint cooperation with Koelnmesse.
Energy efficiency and sustainability
The worldwide trend towards sustainable construction is continuing to make inroads and in recent years has led to major advances in building construction. "Green Building" seeks to increase energy efficiency and move forward the use of regenerative energy sources. Ecological and energetic characteristics should already become transparent during the planning phase of a construction project.
“Green Building” concepts for energy-intensive buildings, sport facilities and swimming pools are for the first time also incorporating life-cycle observations. As a result, procurement, operation and maintenance costs are foreseeable and can be more effectively planned. Not only houses, but also swimming pools have in the meantime been designed according to the “Passive house standard”, in other words based on the “Avoid heat loss and optimize free heat recovery” formula, and are set to be built within the next few years. Within the framework of the 3rd Cologne Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum experts from scientific and practical application fields will discuss the challenges facing current development and inform the participants about the diverse possibilities for the resource-efficient construction of sport and swimming facilities.
(Two alternative dates: 29.10.2009, 10.30 – 12.30 hrs and also 30.10.2009, 13.15 – 14.45 hrs, on each date at the Congress Centre East, Koelnmesse)
Safety and technology – “Swimming? – But (safe) of course)!”
This year a new European safety standard has come into force for the operators of public and hotel pools. EN 15288 defines new safety requirements both for the planning as well as operation of publicly accessible swimming pools, which reflect the “status of technology” with immediate effect. The visitors to the 3rd Cologne Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum can discuss the new safety regulations and standards with the “creators” of the standard. Lionello Ambrosi from the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and Helmut Ständer from DIN will present the new standard’s targets and content and provide the participants with tips on how to fulfil the new requirements. In addition, speakers from practical fields will report on challenges facing implementation and successes.
(Two alternative dates: 29.10.2009, 15.30 – 17.30 hrs and also 30.10.2009, 10.30 – 12.30 hrs, each date at the Congress Centre East, Koelnmesse)
Spa & Wellness
In increasingly fast-moving times a hectic and stressful lifestyle frequently determines everyday routine. To the same extent, in reverse, the need for relaxation is growing. This trend has already been benefiting the spa and wellness ranges for years. The relaxation business is booming. At the 3rd Cologne Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum one theme area will therefore also concern itself with “Spa & Wellness”. In this connection, themes such as wellness in the hotel room of the future, design, resource-saving solutions or also the identification of savings potentials will be covered without losing sight of the guests’ requirements.
(Date: 29.10.2009, 15.30 – 17.30 hrs, Congress Centre East, Koelnmesse)
Special theme: 40 Years of Stainless Steel Pools
In 1969 the Hinke Schwimmbad company built the first municipal swimming pool in stainless steel. Since then the material stainless steel has established itself in swimming pool construction and it would now be impossible to envisage the sector, particularly municipal pool construction, without it. The smooth and fine-pore surface prevents the firm deposit of dirt particles. As a result, the necessary hygiene requirements, especially those in public and frequently-used pools, can be easily fulfilled. In addition, swimming pool basins in stainless steel are corrosion-resistant and the metallic lustre ensures an exquisite look. But the material stainless steel has arrived in the private pool sector too. Here demand is particularly for stainless steel accessories. All this is reason enough to dedicate a special event to the material stainless steel within the framework of the 3rd Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum. In addition to an historic retrospective, the participants can discuss new developments and current challenges connected with the material stainless steel with speakers from the scientific and practical fields.
(Date: 29.10.2009, 13.15 – 14.45 hrs, Congress Centre East, Koelnmesse)
Aquanale and FSB at a glance
FSB, which is being held from 28th to 30th October 2009 in Halls 3.2, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 at Koelnmesse, is the leading business, communication and contact platform for the international sport and leisure industry. aquanale, co-founded in 2003 in cooperation with the represented sectors and a dynamically expanding event, is the only international fair for the swimming pool and wellness sectors to be held in Germany this year. It will take place from 28th to 31st October 2009 in Halls 10.1 and 10.2. The swimming pool sections at aquanale and FSB are located directly opposite each other in Halls 10.1 and 11.1 and are closely linked by an attractively designed water boulevard. For visitors one ticket is all that is required to access both events.
Press release from www.aquanale.com