The launch of the first edition of the Pool & Spa Exhibition Asia 2011 on 21 – 23 September 2011 in Thailand, Bangkok at Impact Convention and Exhibition Center, is timely and particularly in line with the Thailand’s Cabinet approval of the 6.65 million baht (US$218 million) on it’s National Tourism Development Plan, 2012 – 2016.
With the aim to increase tourism income by at least 5 percent during the 5-years plan, the tourism plan covers 385 tourism development projects in eight tourism clusters for upgrading of basic infrastructure, landscaping and convenience at tourist sites nationwide. The beach resorts will get the biggest budget with 3.98 billion baht to fund 141 projects.
Pool & Spa Exhibition Asia 2011 is the only dedicated trade exhibition in Bangkok targeted only at those directly involved in the manufacturing, supply, distribution, planning, design, build, operations, maintenance and management of pool & spa equipments and facilities. Participants will have access to important relevant sector of the market with buyer power.
A series of pool & spa high level seminars to be held simultaneously with the exhibition include topics focusing on eco-friendly construction, planning, engineering, managing & innovating and management of swimming pool & spa. Each seminar track is designed for a dedicated segment of professional to provide crucial technology and products development of their industry.
Organized by two of the leading event businesses in the region, IIR Exhibitions Pte Ltd and IMPACT Exhibition Management Co.,Ltd, Pool & Spa Exhibition Asia 2011 is the destination for the International pool & spa market, to meet and do business.