Nuovo sito AstrelThe new Astrel website is on-line. The company intends to use this website to showcase its assets, experience and lines of business that make it stand out on the international stage. There is particular focus on the five Business Divisions, each one specialised in its own sector of excellence.


Starting from the Water Division, with its Wellness electronic solutions, which have made Astrel one of the world market leaders, site users can then check out  the offering provided by associated Business Divisions - thermoregulation, home automation, energy and air conditioning – enabling partners/customers to get the best out of the company personnel’s excellent technoogy skills, and discover the state-of-the-art production equipment and the Research & Development Laboratory, all operating in a synergy-creating and efficient manner.

Breaking news will remain a key feature on the new site ensuring visitors can keep abreast of corporate news and industry developments. The Home Page has an information section that can be used by visitors who want to find out about the cutting-edge technological features being developed by the company.