Fira Barcelona logoLoyal to its commitment to innovation, the show has announced a new edition of the Piscina Barcelona Awards. The contest is open to products and processes realised in the last two years and all products exhibited at the show designed according to sustainability criteria, such as the application of recyclable materials, efficient use of resources and respect for the environment.


Innovation and sustainability are the swimming pool industry's strategic commitments. Architects, builders and experts dedicated to the design and construction of public and private pools agree that a sustainable swimming pool combines three basic elements: maximum energy efficiency, use of eco-smart materials and optimum integration in the surroundings.


In this sense, applying technologically recyclable materials, saving in consumption by using home automation and using less aggressive disinfection techniques are some of the solutions needed to ensure that the structures are sustainable.


Isabel Piñol
Piscina's Director


According to the show's Director, Isabel Piñol: "It is currently inconceivable to design aquatic facilities without applying sustainability criteria. Piscina Barcelona was a pioneer in promoting this trend and, for over a decade through the Piscina Barcelona Awards, has been recognising the efforts in R&D&I made by companies as well as their commitment to the environment and sustainable construction. The event is back to reward the innovative and enterprising nature of the industry's companies".

The panel of judges, selected by the Institut de Tecnología de la Construcció de Catalunya, ITeC, will reward exhibiting firms, which will participate with their products, and building companies, architectural studios, promoters and experts that have participated in new building or rehabilitation of domestic swimming pools, wellness centres and sports and recreational facilities in the last two years.

The awards consist of diplomas, which will be presented during the Piscina Barcelona Show. The deadline for registration which can be effected via the show's website: is 2 p.m. on September 19th 2013.



Awards all round


The Piscina Barcelona 2013 Award for Innovation will be given to the product or service that has used an innovative approach in the process of construction, use or maintenance of swimming pools, wellness centres and sports and recreational facilities.

A Sustainability Award will be given to the product that guarantees efficient use of resources (water, energy, raw materials) and respect for the environment throughout its lifecycle (manufacture, use, dismantling and recycling).

The panel of judges will give awards to the best entries in three categories: Piscina Barcelona 2013 Awards to Domestic Swimming Pools, Wellness Centres and Sports and Recreational Facilities, after assessing if criteria of sustainability and innovation had been applied in their construction, completed between September 1st 2011 and August 31st 2013.