Pentair PIP ShowcaseOn Friday January 16, 2015 Pentair organized his very first PIP New Year’s event in combination with a Product Showcase. The event took place in the Aldhem Hotel near Herentals from 13.00h until 19.00h and was designed exclusively for existing PIP-dealers in the Benelux. About 80 companies pre-registered for this event.


In total about 150 people joined us for a drink and a bite in order to celebrate the New Year. At the same time, they could re-acquaint themselves with Pentair’s existing product range or discover our newly launched products.



Pentair PIP ShowcaseThe event itself was set up against a paradisiacal background referring to our 2015-PIP trip to Aruba. The bigger part of the hall was filled with big palm trees and exotic souvenirs. In between all of this, our products, marketing materials and brochures were displayed. For this event, not only the Pentair Benelux sales team was present. The bigger part of the product development team, the marketing team and the customer service team was present as well. Even the Italian and German sales team came over to lend a hand. All of this enabled dealers to get clear explanations and immediate answers on a wide array of questions.

urne du concours PIPAs an extra, visitors received a promotional voucher and they could even participate in a PIP-contest. 1st price in this contest was a free trip, all inclusive (stay and flight ), to Aruba for one person. The second price was a free trip to Aruba for one person but without the flight. And as a 3th price, the dealer could earn 5.000 PIP points, which equals 50% of a one person trip without flight to Aruba.    

We’ve received nothing but positive feedback about the event.  Dealers were excited about getting to know the whole Pentair team. They appreciated the efforts we’ve put in place to give them an unforgettable experience. The Pentair team was excited about meeting so many dealers up close and personal in a relaxing and exotic atmosphere.


All had fun and look forward to organizing something similar in 2016! 


Pentair PIP Showcase


Pentair PIP Showcase

ControlPro station

Pentair PIP Showcase

IntelliPool Station

Pentair PIP Showcase


Pentair PIP Showcase


Pentair PIP Showcase

Marketing area