Dietmar Rogg

Dietmar Rogg
Präsident des Bundesverbandes
Schwimmbad & Wellness e.V. (bsw) 



The world is invited to Cologne. I extend my warmest welcome to visitors and exhibitors from Germany and abroad, and I am happy to see that aquanale has become even more international this year.

Cologne reunites the interests of our economic sector; its twin fairs of Aquanale and FSB constitute a platform for innovation and information. Similarly, as both fairs have “grown together” with their swimming pool sections in a single area, networking, cooperation and teamwork have become the keywords of our time.

The headline “Industry 4.0" is not just about meshing pool processes and products with each other, but also combining swimming pool and home technology to form a larger whole. Intelligent and user-friendly controls have a “complex core”. This means, for one thing, that experts are required. Lifelong learning, flexibility and dynamisation are unavoidable. On the other hand, the industry is being asked to support specialised trade – by qualifying its employees, and also by manufacturing “well-thought-out" products that are designed to be "team players".

Aquanale shows that cooperative thinking has arrived at the swimming pool and wellness industry – via modern manufacturing, technology and cross-firm shared stands, and association involvement. Our customers can "become one with themselves and the world" through our products. This breaks down barriers and hierarchies on the corporate side. Or they are diluted – to stay within the theme of the trade fair.

I warmly encourage you to visit this trade fair, the 6th Cologne swimming pool and wellness forum, in Hall 6 (D 50). The forum will cover, amongst other things, the new European standards for private swimming pools, which will come into force next year, and modern staff management. All speeches are free, and registration is not required. Alongside the technical content, there will also be opportunities for networking.

I wish you all a successful fair!


Dietmar Rogg