Jan Zitko

Jan Zitko

Owner of Alukov


As demand for Alukov pool, spa, terraces, verandas' enclosures is rising, a new factory building opened last week in Hungary.


"This almost doubles the manufacturing area of the Hungarian plant. It means extra 2000 m² and around 30 new job positions", says Aladar Bödök, coowner of the factory.


"The investment of 926.000,- EUR will definitely pay off as the workers in Batonyterenye in Hungary are of same quality as in the mother country - Czech Republic.

I wish for Hungarian economy to keep getting strong and have  apositive influence on the development of not only our industry, but the whole Hungarian society," says Jan Zitko - coowner of the plant and owner of Alukov a.s. and other branches around the world.



usine Alukov Hongrie

The new Alukov Hungarian factory



Aladar Bödök

Aladar Bödök

Coowner of the

Hungarian factory




The opening ceremony took place in Batonyterenye (HU) and was attented by:

PhDr. Juraj Chmiel, CSc. -  Ambassador of Czech Republic in Hungary
Becsó Zsolt Úr - Member of the Nation Council

Skuczi Nádor Úr - Chairman of the regional parliament
Nagy-Majdon József Úr - Mayor of Bátonyterenye


inauguration en Hongrie



This event marks another milestone in the development of IPC Team and all Alukov branches around the world.