EuroSpaPoolNews offers you several solutions to increase your visibility to professionals of the pool and spa sector. Discover our end-of-year offers for multi-channel and multi-lingual communication targeted towards different pool and wellness markets.

Reach the professionals of the pool and wellness sector thanks to our bespoke offers

A specialised multi-media publisher for over 20 years, we offer the players of the pool and wellness industry various possibilities to effectively communicate with their target audiences. Our bespoke offers enable you to reach professionals according to your specific needs:

  • via various channels: newspapers & magazines, website, emailing, social media, videos 
  • on various markets: France, DACH, Spain, Italy, UK, Benelux, Switzerland/Austria, Europe, Germany
  • and for different audiences: pool and spa professionals, collective pools and outdoor accommodation, as well as landscaping and outdoor design

Optimise your communication to your target markets during the sector's trade fairs

For this year's end, we propose targeted offers that are adapted to your needs and to the current news concerning the sector's professional gatherings. 

Our PRINT issues:

  • Spécial PROS #59
    • Published in French at the end of September 2024
    • 6500 copies sent free of charge to the professionals of the sector in France, Belgium, Switzerland and French-speaking countries
    • All the articles published on our website and distributed in our weekly newsletters to over 8300 subscribers
  • Special PROS COLLECTIVITES No. 9 : 
    • Published in French with 11,000 copies sent free of charge to our subscribers early October 2024 
    • Intended for professionals and managers of collective establishments (hotels, open-air accommodation, camping sites, guest houses, water parks, sports centres, public pools, etc.)
    • Distributed at the Atlantica (Niort) trade fair from 8 to 10 October 2024, SETT (Montpellier) from 5 to 7 November 2024, Piscine Global (Lyon) from 19 to 22 November 2024 and at the Piscine de Demain (PDD) conference
    • All the articles published on our website and distributed in our newsletter "Spécial Piscines, spas, équipements de collectivités" to more than 24,000 subscribers.

    Les éditions Spécial Pros

    The Spécial Pros editions

    • EuroSpaPoolNews Special Germany : 
      • 3,000 copies published in English and German October 2024
      • Distributed at the entrance to the interbad trade fair in Stuttgart from 22 to 24 October 2024
      • All the articles published on our website and distributed in our weekly newsletters to over 14,000 subscribers
    • Spécial PROS #60, special issue before the Lyon fair
      • Published in French early November 2024
      • 6500 copies sent free of charge to the professionals of the sector in France, Belgium, Switzerland and French-speaking countries
      • All the articles published on our website and distributed in our weekly newsletters to over 8300 subscribers
      • At the press booth at the Piscine Global fair

      • EuroSpaPoolNews Special Lyon
        • 8000 copies published in French and English
        • Distributed at the entrance to the Piscine Global trade fair in Lyon from 19 to 22 November 2024
        • All the articles published on our website and distributed in our weekly newsletters to over 14 000 subscribers.

      Our digital and video services:

      Maximise the distribution of your communication concerning your participation at the INTERBAD and PISCINE GLOBAL fairs thanks to our multilingual articles published  on our website, our dedicated newsletters distributed to more than 20,000 subscribers, our videos and promotion on our Facebook and LinkedIn social media.

      Discover our ROAD TO... digital offer to increase your visibility ahead of the fair and increase the number of qualified visits to your stand by requesting our media kits or by contacting your customer reference person.

      Nos magazines et nos dispositifs digitaux pour une communication avant, pendant et après salons

      Our magazines and digital devices for communication before, during and after trade shows

      Don't hesitate to contact us in order to highlight your products, latest releases, services or promotional offers. We will discuss your needs and you will discover how our end-of-year offers can help you increase your visibility and optimise your communication in the pool and wellness sector.