Last years, Evolution Spas re-developed the whole range of its spas.
Some of the improving features were:
• 3Zone disinfection
• a combination from an ozone generator with reaction chamber
• an effective UV-system
• a 1-micron filter with silver ions
This latter guarantees the clearest water with fewer chemicals, even without chlorine when using the Evolution Aqua-Perfect, 100% biodegradable.
Furthermore, regarding spas enjoyments, the new sound system from SpaTunes now gives the feeling to be in the middle of the music: 360 degrees Omni surround. The sound reaches the user through the water!
The new SV series from SpaNET is also more energy efficient than the existing models and the first one will be shown at Piscine 2010.
In addition, Evolution launched a new swim spa with a water level of 130 cm and a counter flow of 12 HP that guarantees the best work out even for a professional swimmer.