Hach Company/ETS has announced the new One Minute Phosphate Test as a new addition to its AquaChek product line.
Designed to offer a fast, easy and accurate tool for monitoring pool and spa phosphate levels, the One Minute Phosphate Test is a three-step procedure involving adding the powder pillow content to the water sample, shaking gently to mix, and comparing to the supplied colour chart. The pack comes with 20 phosphate powder pillow reagents and a testing vial in a convenient bottle.
Explains Joe Sweazy, Technical Sales and Services Manager for Hach Company/ETS: âPhosphate maintenance often requires regular dosage of phosphate remover to keep the phosphate levels down, due to the numerous sources contributing phosphates to the water. We recommend checking the phosphate level once a week, and more frequently if there are unique environmental or seasonal changes in the area â for example, heavy wind, rain, sand or fire storms, as well as during gardening, growing and ploughing seasons.â