The bio-resistant Activated Filter Media (AFM®) from Dryden Aqua is manufactured from green glass to replace sand in all types of sand filter – offering a claimed 30 % performance benefit.
The product is successfully working in over 100,000 private and public swimming pools worldwide.
Dryden Aqua says the surface of AFM® is self-sterilising, preventing bacteria mud-balling, coagulation and ‘worm-hole channelling’ of unfiltered water through the filter bed. Activation increases the surface area by 300 times to give enhanced filtration capability.
In a similar way to activated carbon, the surface nano-structure of the media adsorbs pollutants from the water to produce “crystal clear sparking water” with no chlorine smell, Dryden Aqua says.
AFM® is claimed to reduce the biological risk from bacteria and parasites as well as the chemical risk from the water and air quality just above the surface of the water.
The result is a safer pool for children, a healthier place of work for staff in public pools, and a greatly improved swimming experience for everyone.