According to its manufacturer Hanovia, the new SwimLine Ultraviolet Energy Optimised (UVEO) system uses up to 60% less power than conventional UV systems, with just a single UV lamp.
It is claimed to deliver a guaranteed, consistent UV dose with maximum efficiency, and the system is designed to meet all current standards and guidelines – including CE, UL, CSA, USEPA, MAHC, PWTAG and NSF50.
The SwimLine UVEO features an optimised hydraulic design to provide up to a 60% improvement in the treatment capacity over conventional UV systems, promising reduced running costs for 24/7 applications such as swimming pools without compromising on bio-security or chloramine control.
The single UV lamp eliminates the need to install a bigger system with multiple lamps – saving on upfront capital costs and lifetime spares costs.
The system also utilises an electronic ballast with ‘stepless’ power control, automatically adjusting power to continuously match pool operating conditions.
The SwimLine UVEO is optimised specifically for pool bio-safety, and ensures chlorine-resistant organisms, such as cryptosporidium and giardia, are controlled with the optimum UV dose, compliant with local country standards and the emerging US Model Aquatic Health Code requirements.
The medium pressure UV lamp is designed to ensure effective control of the unpleasant by-products of chlorine dosing responsible for the typical ‘chlorine smell’, red, stinging eyes and skin irritations. Controlling chloramines also delivers high-quality pool water, reduced corrosion of metal structures and a healthier environment for bathers.
The system comes with Hanovia’s patented ‘UVGuard’, which allows safe checking of the UV sensor (performance monitoring instrument) using a unique ‘eyelid shutter’ design, which protects the operator from exposure to UV light.
The SwimLine UVEO comes in a range of sizes and treatment capacities to meet typical pool sizes. It is designed for easy installation into existing pipework, matching pipe velocities and turnover rates in all pools.