AngelEyeWatchAngelEye, producer of the drowning prevention system LiveGuard, launches two new alarms for commercial and private pools: AngelEye Hotel and AngelEye View.

AngelEye Hotel is an alarm system aimed for pool drowning prevention in small commercial and residential pools.
The system works effectively using underwater cameras, which incorporate special sensors and LED lights.

The software is able to analyse any unusual movements by pool users that may indicate a person requiring assistance or at risk of drowning; the system immediately alerts lifeguards or responders.
It has been specifically conceived to meet the requirements of hotels, campings or other commercial structure who consider their pool safety a real priority.

Installation is simple and allows the replacement of any pre-existing underwater lights with the new LED-inbuilt devices.
It generates alarms that can be sent out to the most modern devices such as personal computers, tablets and smartphones.


AngelEye vidéo subaquatique


AngelEye View is a LED-lighting system for swimming pools including an underwater video camera.
Via a simple and intuitive software interface it allows you to to watch in real-time images from the video camera, save a video or take a snapshot on your smartphone, tablet or personal computer.
Besides, one can switch on/off the video camera integrated LED light or control any other lights present in the pool.


AngelEye View

The system configuration is automated; it takes place by simply connecting the system to internet.
It’s available with either one or two video cameras, with LED lights.