In filtration pumps, the benefits of variable speed technology are well established.  Facts worth recalling: running pumps continuously at low speeds results in better fineness of filtration and optimized water treatment and heating, real energy savings*, up to 85%, in power consumption and acoustic comfort due to the low filtration speed.




High speeds are, in fact, used only for backwashing and skimming.
The new variable speed versions from the HAYWARD TriStar, RS II, Super Pump and MaxFlo XL pump ranges are no exception. 


A new 2 HP reference has been added to the TriStar range and a new 1 HP model to the Max Flo XL series. 


Single-speed versions can easily be replaced by these new pumps, without changing the hydraulics.

In these new models, 3 speeds, in cycles of 20RPM, can be programmed for accurate adjustment depending on the equipment in the installation.

The digital cable can be connected to any type of external controller, for centralized management.

For those who are still sceptical and wish to assess potential savings with this new type of pumps, HAYWARD has provided an online simulator of energy savings that help to calculate energy gains.

* Potential savings generally recorded are 65%.