A counter current unit providing a very natural swimming technique
Swedish swimming pool equipment specialist Pahlén launches in Barcelona Jet Swim Athlete, a counter current unit providing a very natural swimming technique.
A new flow technique with two oval nozzles
It uses the same new flow technique with two oval nozzles, as Jet Swim Motion, launched last year. The lower nozzle is directed downwards for lifting the lower body to provide a more natural swimming experience. With a powerful capacity, the user can easily improve his swim technique and physical fitness.
Jet Swim Athlete is mainly made of acid-proof stainless steel AISI 316L and fulfills European Pool standards EN 16582 and EN 16713.
Focus on durability and sustainability
The pump is made of bronze with a 4,0 kW IE3 motor which fulfills European Ecodesign directive and also third part approved for Electric Safety by Intertek according to International IEC and European EN Standard IEC/EN 60335.
All components in the unit is designed with focus on durability and sustainability. Pahlén manufactures and sells products for swimming pools since 1967. Through distributors and retailers, the company provides equipment for public, hotel and private swimming pools. Their products are installed in swimming pools worldwide. 70% of the production is exported to more than 50 countries.
The company head quarter and factory are situated in Upplands Väsby, Sweden.