As one of the most effective and robust manual pool cleaning systems on the market, the «Fairlocks» has remained a best-seller for over 35 years around the world.

The manual pool cleaner still a 'best seller'

The aerodynamic shape of the product helps speed up cleaning, while the 19-inch, centrally mounted brush allows the vacuum head to pick up even the hard debris that less efficient systems tend to miss.

The Fairlocks is claimed to be equally effective in pools of different shapes, sizes or finishes - whether private or public. Its rigid construction means it can be used in pools equipped with pumps of 0.5 hp or more. For ease of installation, it offers a choice of 1.5 or 2-inch hose connections.

In very large pools, the system can be doubled up, using a metal bracket to mount two Fairlocks side by side. The double Fairlocks is over 3ft wide and at a flow rate of over 40 gallons/min will clean one square yard per second.