MegaGroup Trade, a technical wholesale company selling components for water transport systems, will establish a European Distribution Center in Veghel, in the south of the Netherlands. According to the parent company of Bosta & Bevo Germany this step is necessary for the future growth of the company. The Distribution Center is targeted to be operational at the end of 2013. From here customers in North-West Europe will be supplied directly. The customers in this part of Europe will be supplied faster and are offered a much broader assortment by centralizing the stock and distribution.
Being established in 1943, MegaGroup has grown into a network of 24 outlets in 14 European countries, sourcing mainly in Southern-Europe and China. The Group has been steadily and successfully developing into a company of over 400 employees.
Now the Group is preparing itself for a new era and massive change. Anton van Daalwijk, CEO of the Group, about this change: ‘In economic difficult times we choose consciously to invest. Our customers have to fight for position day by day, and we’d like to help by supplying them faster and more reliable. For this reason we decided to build a central warehouse.’
Kurt van Osta, Group Supply Chain Manager, clarifies the choice of Veghel as a location for the new warehouse: 'We made extensive calculations to decide on the ideal location for supplying directly to customers in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and UK. The center of gravity appeared to be close to Veghel. As we have been located for many years here with two outlets, the final choice was easy. The existing offices in the respective countries will operate as sales offices.’
Building the new Distribution Center will start on short notice and is to be completed by the end of 2013. The new Distribution center will contain a surface of 11.000 m2 with 18.000 pallet locations and 10 loading docks. The outside terrain contains 3.300m2 of covered space. A new and very modern warehouse set-up will guaranty a state-of-the-art dispatch of orders.
Supported by the substantial investments in the new building, the MegaGroup expects to continue growing strongly across Europe. ‘Doing nothing in these challenging times is not an option. Only those with a clear vision and strong entrepreneurship are there to stay. We are absolutely convinced that this investment pays for itself because we will be able to serve our customers faster and better. And that is exactly what is requested by those markets where we are present’, according to CEO Van Daalwijk.