31.05.2017, 11:00 a.m, Steigenberger Hotel.
Katharina C. Hamma
Comments by Katharina C. Hamma, Chief Officer of Koelnmesse GmbH:
"Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am delighted to have the pleasure of welcoming you here in Cologne to our press conference on the trade fairs FSB and aquanale.
We have divided today’s press conference into two sessions. In addition to the information transfer on the current status of the trade fairs, aquanale and FSB, above all the forward-looking trends will be outlined in the discussions, which underpin the leading role of the trade fair duo as trendsetters. In the first session, we are focusing our attentions on the FSB themes on public spaces (amenity areas, sport, exercise) under the title "Exercise-promoting infrastructure".
Part 2 will subsequently follow on "Trends in architecture and innovations of the swimming pool industry in the private and public sector".
This range of themes allows a much clearer presentation of the synergies and thus the unique strengths of the trade fair duo. We will begin with a keynote by Lars Hjorth Bærentzen (The Danish Foundation for Culture and Sports Facilities / Communications Consultant), who will present to us projects in public spaces based on the example of Copenhagen.
I would like to briefly explain the focus of both events to you: aquanale is the central and international trade fair and business platform for all themes and products revolving around swimming pools, saunas, natural pools, spas and wellness facilities. FSB is the international platform for amenity areas, games, sports, pools and the recreational industry. The world-famous IAKS Congress as well as further congresses and specialised events on the themes "Urban design/amenity areas/planning" underline the high level of FSB as the leading international trade fair. Spanning in total 80,000 square meters of exhibition space, both events turn the fair grounds in Cologne into the most important location for the public and private swimming pool sector and the themes amenity area planning and design, the architecture of sports and pool facilities, playgrounds, sports equipment, exercise areas and recreational facilities.
A good five months before the trade fair begins, the team's preparations are in full swing. The current registration level of the exhibitors is excellent.
Over 90 percent of the exhibition area of both trade fairs is already reserved.
We are expecting to be able to top the very good result of 912 exhibitors in 2015. With regards to the respective event that means: we are expecting around 300 exhibitors from 25 countries for aquanale and for FSB we are anticipating a participation of almost 650 companies from 45 countries. Around half of these exhibitors come from Europe and overseas. We are expecting an increase in the number of visitors, because together aquanale and FSB not only offer a unique market overview, but also an initial insight into the themes of the urban future. Our target in terms of the number of visitors is around 28,000 national and international guests.
Press Conference 31.05.2017
The hall structure of aquanale and FSB is once again oriented on our successful "themed halls concept". This concept ensures that synergies are exploited even better and that additional business networks can be established at both national and international level. By merging the swimming pool facility sections of aquanale and FSB, one of the world’s biggest marketplaces in the industry has been created, which is continuously conceptually refined and expanded. Halls 6 and 7 are dedicated to private and public swimming pool facilities as well as sauna, spa and wellness areas and these are clearly divided up into six themed worlds. The advantages are obvious: The national and international trade visitors from the areas public swimming pools, leisure parks, thermal baths, specialised swimming pool companies, hotels, sanitary, heating and air-conditioning companies, architects' and planning offices as well as from the sauna, spa and fitness sections gain a comprehensive overview of the entire spectrum of products.
aquanale is once again being staged in Hall 6.
The attractiveness of the event for the international swimming pool and wellness industry is underscored by the confirmed registrations from all the prestigious companies from Germany and abroad. Included in the list of companies already registered from the sections of swimming pools, swimming pool technology, water treatment, sauna, spa and wellness are, amongst others: Alpha Wellness, Aqua Solar, Bieri Alpha Covers, Behncke, Binder, Bünger & Frese, Chemoform, Dom Composite, Eichenwald, Fluidra, Fluvo Schmalenberger, Future Pool, Grando, Health Company, Herborner Pumpen, Hobby Pool, Hugo Lahme, Lifepark, Marquis SPA, Niveco, osf, Pentair, Peraqua, Renolit, Riviera Pool, Rollo Solar, Speck Pumpen, Steinbach, Sopra, SSF by Klafs, VPS, Walter Piscine, WDT, Wedi, Weise & Partner, W.E.T., Whirlpool World, Zodiac Pool.
The international significance of aquanale 2017 is underscored by the groups of exhibitors from Finland and Great Britain.
The association partner of aquanale, the bsw (Bundesverband Schwimmbad und Wellness/Federal Association for Swimming Pools and Wellness), will, as in previous years, provide a networking platform for the industry sectors.
Directly adjacent in Hall 7, the public swimming pool construction segment of FSB will be presenting trends and innovations for the operators of public swimming pools of all types.
In cooperation with the EWA (the European Waterpark Association), an exciting special event entitled “Materiality – Immateriality” will be staged, which will present operators with exciting and innovative materials in swimming pool construction. In addition, the BDS (Bundesverband Deutscher Schwimmmeister/Federal Association of German Swimming Pool Professionals) is expanding its activities and together with well-known partners, will be presenting the “AQUAFITNESS” special theme. The exhibitors in this segment stand for quality, innovation and design. For example, prestigious exhibitors such as Aquadrolics, AST,
ESM, Hexagone, HSB Hinke, ISS Solar, JOEF, Wiegand Maelzer, Mariner 3S, Polin Waterparks, Scheidt & Bachmann, Schunk or Wibit will be showcasing materials, products and ideas for exciting and innovative swimming pool facilities.
The amenity areas/playground equipment section will once again be located in Hall 7. Here the tried-and-tested partners are the Bundesverband für Spielplatzgeräteund Freizeitanlagen-Hersteller (BSFH/Federal Association of Playground Equipment and Leisure Facilities Manufacturers) for the playground equipment segment, as well as STADT und RAUM magazine for the amenity areas segment. The list of exhibitors, who have already registered here, include ABC Team, Agapito, Berliner Seilfabrik, Bragmaia, Cemer, Emsland Kinderland, Holzhof, Husson, Kindt, Lappset, Fritz Müller, Ökocolor, Richter Spielgeräte, Sik Holz, SOR and Seilfabrik Ullmann. Together with their partners BSFH and STADTundRAUM, in addition to attractively designed themed areas, FSB is also presenting content-related forums with added value for municipalities, planners and landscape architects.
In the sports facilities sector, organisations that FSB can once again count among its partners are the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB), the BSI (Bundesverband der Deutschen Sportartikel-Industrie/German sports equipment industry association) with its sports and gymnastics equipment quality assurance association, as well as the European Synthetic Turf Organisation (ESTO), the World Basketball Association, FIBA as well as FIFA. Almost all of the famous companies are represented in Halls 9 and 10, including Airtrack, BSW, CC Grass, Condor Grass, Cube, Domo, Eurotramp, Hamberger, Huck, Kraiburg, Kübler, Maillith, Mapei, MELOS, Mondo, POLYTAN, Pulastic, SMG, Speckmann, Sport Thieme, Stockmeier and Universal Sport.
The trade fair’s supporting programme of events this year is again tremendously varied, with numerous live events in the halls, as well as additional, specialist trade events.
Bert Granderath, Dieter C. Rangol, Katharina C. Hamma, Dr Stefan Kannewischer, Klaus Meinel
Let us first take a look at aquanale: As at previous events, the International Swimming Pool and Wellness FORUM forms the link between the private and public swimming pools section and looks at the questions and topics under discussion in both. This year, the focus will be on the topics of apprenticeship and in-service training, employee qualification, standardisation and health & safety, as well as operator models and architecture, design and materiality. The subject matter and contents of the Forum, which will be of equal relevance to all of the target groups, will be managed by the German Association for Swimming Pools and Wellness (bsw) and the International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities (IAKS).
The format of the "Public SWIMMING POOL CONSTRUCTION Forum" has also been expanded and internationalised, and will be staged by IAKS and further prestigious content partners. The compact programme has been precisely tailored and edited to meet the needs and demands of public swimming pool operators, architects and decision makers in municipal authorities.
The conceptual sponsor of FSB is the IAKS (International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities), which will stage the 25th IAKS Congress in co-location with FSB this year. The IAKS Congress will focus on the difficult task of positioning municipalities as healthy living environments in the future. This is a task involving a complex range of ideas, and new approaches to the financing, implementation and sustainable operation of sports and leisure facilities are essential in order to meet this challenge.
The programme for the 2017 IAKS Congress comprises a variety of events with presentations, workshops and panel discussions. Experts in the planning, construction, modernisation and management of sports and leisure facilities will guarantee an exciting exchange of ideas about new approaches and strategies, as well as a long-term and insightful knowledge transfer.
The highlight of the IAKS Congress will be the awarding of the international IOC/IPC and IAKS Architecture Prizes. In total, 72 projects that have been completed in recent years will be competing for the most prestigious international architectural awards for sports, leisure and recreational facilities. The list of countries represented runs from A for Azerbaijan to U for the USA.
In the accompanying design contest for students, more than 30 young architects and designers will be hoping to receive one of the coveted gold, silver or bronze medals.
In addition to the IAKS Congress and the manifold campaigns that FSB is organising jointly with different organisations, I would particularly like to make reference to the offer of the DOSB, the NRW state sports association on the focal theme "Sports, municipalities and sustainability", the Sportland NRW with their event "Exercisepromoting infrastructure", the IAKS Germany "Sustainability and Innovations" and to a new event on the theme "Safety at Major Sporting Events". Furthermore, a host of national and international associations, organisations and partners are holding meetings at FSB, which underlines the importance of FSB as a global meeting point.
Finally, I would like to make you aware of our online novelties database for journalists. This new product tool will be integrated into the websites of both trade fairs. Here, the exhibitors can present their innovations in the run-up to the trade fair. This platform offers you comprehensive search functions as well as the opportunity to gain a fast overview of the trends and innovations prior to, during and after the trade fair."
Grill event (Santos Grill) at the Press Conference
Press Release