For pool maintenance, Hexagone offers a hand-held battery-operated vacuum cleaner that is easy to use, rapid and very powerful.
It does not require a connection to the filter, nor does it need a power outlet. The Quick Vac’ is a real boon for swimming pool specialists who wish to provide optimum service in record time.
This new hand-held vacuum cleaner is lightweight and portable, it is battery-operated and can clean a 10m x 5m pool in less than 7 minutes. With four swivel wheels and a 105-micron, large capacity filter bag, it cleans quickly and thoroughly, even in corners. It can suction off large leaves and quantities of sand without saturating the filter; this avoids cleaning the filter too often, and also a decrease in flow-rate. The Quick Vac’ comes with a chariot, is easy to handle and fully autonomous. The battery and the pump are marine grade.
The product comes in three versions: the classic model, a version specially adapted to fountains and wading pools that can be used in water-levels as low as 10cm, and a version for large pools that includes a longer cable and greater suction power.
Hexagon, the leading French manufacturer of robot vacuum cleaners for both private and public pools (1 pool out of 2 in France uses Hexagon), offers a range of 7 models for pools ranging from 15m2 to Olympic-size pools.