AstralPool proposes Kivu, the filter pump for public pools, offering high flow rates for an optimal efficiency.
Made of plastic, it has been designed to filter many types of pools - public, semi-public, competition, water parks, fish farms, etc. as it is aimed at applications with high flow rates upt to 280 m3/h.
It can also be run in salty environments as it has a high quality mechanical seal for working with seawater. This 1,500 rpm centrifugal pump - available in 3 speed of 7,5 CV, 10 CV and 15 CV – has a 6” x 6” stand-alone prefilter with a capacity for 25 litres of water and standard 6” x 5” connections.
Its hydraulic efficiency without a prefilter is as high as 85%, which is, according to Astralpool, around 20% more on average than all other pumps for high flow rates in the market. The motor is compliant with IEC and NEMA standards (IE2 and NEMA premium efficiency).
It has also been awarded the UL and GS certifications. In addition to the efficiency of the Kivu pump, its low working noise level can be highlighted. For instance, the 7.5 CV model works at 66 dBA.