Once again dinotec confirms its pioneering role in swimming pool technology. The first voice control for swimming pools will create many new possibilities. Imagine you were a pool supervisor and could control the entire system from any point in your pool.
Using a simple spoken command, you could turn attractions on or off at any time. Interrogate system messages and water parameters at any time. Check the filter operation without having to go to the basement, query the current weather report or have recommended actions announced - simply at your request.
The "ingredients" needed to use voice control in pools are really simple. A dinotecNET+ or AquaTouch+ control, a broadband Internet connection and the EVA voice control package consisting of a Bluetooth headset and a nettop.
The pool supervisor uses the headset to control the system. Voice commands are carried out directly by the system, requested information is provided via the earphone. Walking to the plant room or office is no longer required. EVA (meaning input-processing-output) is moreover connected to the Internet and delivers information from the world wide web on demand.
"Possible applications are limitless," according to Ralph Ziegler, managing director at dinotec. "We can store individual recommendations or offer a variety of information from the Internet; EVA can be customised," Ziegler continues. "The fact that we are on the right track with EVA voice control is demonstrated by Apple's new iPhone, which can also be operated via voice control. In a few months, voice control will be the norm", Ziegler adds.
A system for the private sector is in the development phase.