Peraqua is offering now a state-of-the-art constructed control system for the pool which was developed by the R&D department of Praher and received the Golden Wave award in 2013 for this innovation.
AQUASTAR® comfort SafetyPack avoids that pools are drained in case of interruption of the electric power when the valve is on position “backwash”.
Supported by a high quality rechargeable battery unit the valve automatically turns to position “filter” in case of power failure. Therefore a malfunction of the “backwash” process is impossible.
A LED display is helpful for the problem identification. The 12V 0, 8 Ah rechargeable battery is charged automatically, is maintenance free and the capacity is strong enough to compensate power failure up to 4 times per hour. The valve can be run up to 5 min operated by the rechargeable battery.
A backwash and filter pump control is already integrated. The position control is an immense improvement of comfort. And of course the Aquastar has a manual override device.