bsw-infotage is an industry event with a long tradition. It began as an industry get-together away from the international trade fairs with the focus on people rather than products - a venue where attendees would have time to exchange ideas and chat to business partners and customers in a relaxed atmosphere.


Innovations are presented ‘in passing’, so to speak, projects are discussed and future endeavours are planned. The host companies will also present a general programme which will help attendees get ‘fit’ for the next swimming season. Swimming pool contractors, architects, designers, and hotel and public swimming pool operators are all welcome to attend. After talking shop during the day, attendees will enjoy socializing and having some fun in the evening.


bsw InfoTAGE



The pool night party (Poolsnight) will include an award ceremony for the bsw Awards, live music, a show and entertainment.


Next Info Days will take place on 10th and 11th March 2017 at the Maritim Hotel of Düsseldorf Airport.


Exhibitors invite you to save the date. Your hosts for the event will be: Bayrol Deutschland, Behncke, Bieri Tenta, Binder, Bünger & Frese, Capena, Chemoform, Dantherm Air Handling, Dryden Aqua Deutschland, Elbtal Plastics, Fluidra Deutschland, G. Eichenwald, Geyger, Grando, Granit Geyger, Herget, Hobby-pool-technologies, Hugo Lahme, Meranus, MTS Produkte, Niveko, osf Hansjürgen Meier, Pentair Aquatic Systems, Peraplas/Peraqua Deutschland, ProMinent, Riviera pool, Rollo Solar, Roos Freizeitanlagen, Schmalenberger, SCP Germany, Speck-Pumpen, Steinbach, Swim Safe, uwe JetStream, Vario Pool et WDT.



bsw infotage stands


bsw infotage: Poolsnight