Winter is a tough season for the pool. The wind brings dirt in the pool, rain raises the water level... But even more terrible: the frost causes a lot of damage to installations! SeaMAID invented the "Plug & Play" system for flat projector facilitating wintering.
The projector's body is separated from the tubular part being screwed into 1.5" suction point and for the connection of the power cable ~ 12V. Thus, during the winter and the frost protection, just unscrewing a quarter turn is sufficient to remove the projector and store it away whereas a wintering cap will preserve the tubular part against corrosive damage.
When restarting the pool in spring, the reverse operation only requires a few minutes to re-set the projector. A practical and clever system ... for a successful wintering! The projector to be screwed on a 1.5'' suction point is a SeaMAID patented system.
See the videos of installation aid