FITT presents FITT B-Active, the flexible spiral hose to draw-off and run water, suitable for in-ground pools and hot tubs. In addition to the patented Chlorine Defence System film protection against chlorine and the patented Spiral Protection Barrier, the hose also features a PVC spiral (D-shape pat.pend.) extremely resistant to crushing.
In case of in-ground pools, hoses have a key role. They guarantee constant supply of sanitized water and, at the same time, they must withstand strenuous conditions for long times.
They must withstand crushing force due to mechanical pressure of the ground above, chemical aggression caused by sanitizing substances like chlorine and they must be resistant to adjustments of the system itself which can cause damages or liquid leaks.
In the light of such considerations, hoses must be chosen with vision, opting for high-quality and top-performance products that prevent such issues and extraordinary maintenance due to damages and hoses malfunction.
The flexible spiral hose is the ultimate product designed by FITT's R&D team to solve major setbacks during installation and maintenance of inground pools. It's very easy and quick to install, 50% more resistant than traditional hoses and it has an innovative protection from internal chemical aggression to guarantee significantly lower maintenance costs.
The hose inside is lined with a special patented film that offers extensive protection against high-chlorine water (CDS - Chlorine Defence System) and acidic environments, guaranteeing lasting performance. FITT B-Active is made in PVC-P and inside of it there is a D-Shape spiral which is extremely resistant to crushing (up to 34 kN/sqm). The D-Shape spiral guarantees high flexibility and a smaller radius of curvature (up to 125 mm), which makes installation easier also in case of uneven terrain.
The rigid spiral is itself covered by a lining (Spiral Protection Barrier) which acts as a barrier that prevents premature embrittlement due to environmental stress cracking (ESC - Environmental Stress Cracking). Manufactured with patented technologies and characterized by indelible traceability under the membrane, FITT B-Active is a totally Made-in-Italy hose that offers double security thanks to 10-year insurance coverage and warranty.